Mindfulness based Compassion Teachings of Sri Amit Ray

Kylie Ball
4 min readJul 1, 2019


Radiating boundless love to all beings is the core teachings of Sri Amit Ray. Mindfulness based compassion is his deep commitment to the world. His spiritual sagacity blended with his value-driven modern technology, which is both contemporary and eternal.

Saint Amit Ray, is a true humanitarian whose fundamental objective is to end the sufferings and exploitation of humanity with the help of emerging technologies like compassionate artificial intelligence and quantum computing. His nonviolence is not weakness but a commitment for the betterment of the world, an one-pointed deep conviction.

Compassion and love for all living beings are the quality that he admire. Recently, I have attended one of his meditation class on loving kindness. It has changed me a lot. Now, my inner dimensions has expanded in many folds. I realized the true purpose and meaning of life.

Mindfulness based Compassion

Mindfulness based compassion are the basic human capacities that support health and well-being. The power of mindfulness based compassion is to foster an inclusive and caring community beyond the barriers of race, religion, ethnicity/culture, gender, sexuality, language, economic status, mental and physical ability, and literacy. Mindfulness comes from awareness and the beautification of inner dialogue. Self-compassion is re-framing and beautifying your inner dialogues.

Beautify your inner dialogue. Amit Ray Self-compassion quotes

“Beautify your inner dialogue. Beautify your inner world with love light and compassion. Life will be beautiful.” — Amit Ray

Sri Amit Ray said compassion is all inclusive. Mindfulness brings awareness and through awareness compassion grows.

“Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories.” — Amit Ray

Compassion is all inclusive. — Amit Ray Quotes

Happiness of the Many

Saint Amit Ray’s compassion is focused on the happiness of the many. His essential message is the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater will be our own well-beings.

Sri Amit Ray said: “Our compassion is our potential to touch the infinity. In the path of compassion our patience, resilience and endurance are often challenged. Sometimes we may fail but we have to stand up and try again and again, because ultimate joy of compassion is immeasurable.”

Path of Compassion

Although every human being have some degree of compassion, but it is often very biased and limited. When our known people like family and friends are suffering we can easily develop compassion for them, but it is very difficult to develop compassion for strangers. Great masters have shown us ways to expand our love and compassion for others.

Bible said “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion. The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion to all he has made.”

If we genuinely want to expand our potential of compassion we need to increase the scope of our love to all living beings without exception, just as a loving mother feels compassion for all her children irrespective of whether they are behaving well or badly.

“A compassionate heart radiates rays of beauty that remove the clouds of million hearts.” — Amit Ray

Compassionate Heart Radiates Rays of Beauty — Amit Ray Quotes

Self-Compassion and the Sun of Compassion

It is acknowledging your self-critical voice and re-framing into a more friendly way, you will eventually form the pathway for changing how you relate to yourself to your goal. Self-compassion also involves recognizing that suffering and personal failure is part of human experience.

“When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.” — Amit Ray

Sun of compassion — Amit Ray Quotes

In this journey, I feel, Self-compassion is our true starting point and meditation is the way to foster an awakening mind and compassion. Sri Amit Ray’s ways are simple and practical and is both contemporary and eternal. He is planting seeds of compassion to advance the well-being of all. His compassion teachings, inspire people to take action for the well-being of all humanity.



Kylie Ball

Ph. D. Research Scholar in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.