Five Top Secrets of Longer and Healthier life

Kylie Ball
2 min readNov 24, 2019

Yoga is a science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul. — Amit Ray

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

1. Be Happy and Help Others

Researchers observed that happier people are more likely to have the time, money, energy and resources to give back to others. The best way to live longer is try to be happy and help others.

According to Dr. Stephen G. Post, professor of preventive medicine at Stony Brook University in New York and author of “The Hidden Gifts of Helping,” when you help others, your brain releases feel-good chemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin, and these hormones can do more than just give you a warm, fuzzy glow. “They can also help cells repair themselves, store nutrients and grow,” says Dr. Stephanie Brown. Volunteering is a great way to foster a sense of connection that not only helps your community, but may also be good for you.

2. Eat less

We know you probably don’t want to hear this, but if humans react anything like the rhesus monkeys in one study, then cutting calories by 30% (while maintaining all of the ingredients needed for optimal health) will result in less diabetes, cancer, heart and brain disease.

3. Walk Daily

A 2019 study found that people who walk faster are more likely to live longer, no matter how much they weigh. The benefits of a daily walk are many and include significantly reducing the risk for developing Type-2 diabetes, stroke and dementia. But walk briskly.

4. Practice Yoga Exercises

Research has shown that the benefits of soft yoga movements are tangible and that a consistent yoga practice can aid in longevity and increase life span. Yoga help people cope with stress and thus, contribute positively to balance in life, well-being, and mental health. And a study published in January found that simply moving instead of sitting for 30 minutes each day could reduce early death risk by 17%.

5. Food Habits:

Diet is strongly linked to health and longevity. According to scientific study, about 30% of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease can be prevented in people at high risk if they switch to a Mediterranean diet. Think: nuts, olive oil, and wine, along with fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and fish; commercially made cookies, cakes and pastries should be avoided, and dairy products and processed meats should be limited.



Kylie Ball

Ph. D. Research Scholar in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.