Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine Based Healing Systems in Modern World

Ayurveda and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are the world’s oldest medical systems, having a history of several thousands of years.

Kylie Ball
2 min readSep 24, 2021
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Both Ayurveda and the Chinese medicine (TCM) in its essence seeks to understand and facilitate harmony and order in human life. Yoga, Tai Chi, Pranayama, Chi Gung (Qigong) exercise systems help maintain the healthy flow of life-energy (“Qi” or “Prana”. They both emphasizes on enhancing the body’s resistance to diseases.

Life Energies Qi and Prana

The Great Spiritual Master Sri Amit Ray discovered the 114 chakras in human body. These chakras are very helpful to control and balance the flow of the life energies. The life energies are classified in three groups: Ojas, Tejas and Prana. They are the liquid, fire and air forms of life energy respectively. They can be enhanced by lifestyle management, food, sleep, herbs and physical exercises. The healing of the 114 chakras influence the body, mind and the soul.

Integrity of human body

The Ayurveda and TMC treatments has two main features: a) a holistic point of view and b) treatment according to a differentiation of syndromes. Five Elements, yin and yang, the Vata, Pitta and Kapha, zang-fu, 72000 Nadis, and Qi are balanced, which allow the body to heal itself in a natural way. Vata, Pitta and Kapha for Ayurveda, and Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are used to balance the 114 chakras which controls the flow of life energies. Both (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and zang-fu are the emotional virtual organs of the body.

Practice of TMC and Ayurveda

Herbs, oil massage, chakra balancing, meditation, breathing exercises and yoga are the key healing techniques for TMC and Ayurveda. The herbal medicine involves the use of complex, herbal combinations. These combinations are chosen according to the specific pattern of imbalance in the individual.

Integration of Traditional Medicine with Western Medicine

Traditional medicine has strong historical and cultural roots. Ayurveda advocates Shalya tantra (general surgery). It includes special ksharasutra treatment procedures for anorectal disorders and various surgical and para-surgical procedures. The Ayurveda Shalakya tantra covers ear, nose and throat medicine, including ophthalmology and dentistry. The Striroga and prasutitantra covers gynaecology and obstetrics.


Both Ayurveda and TCM are time tested and they are very useful in modern context for stress reduction, pain control and overall health. They provide guidelines for both the practitioner and patient on how to best facilitate harmony between yin and yang, and Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. The preventive and the therapeutic principles of Ayurveda and TCM are highly applicable in modern world.



Kylie Ball

Ph. D. Research Scholar in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.